Business Psychology

Customer psychology:

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382 - Ad Reactance / Assaulted by Stereotypes (most recent)
381 - Selling Happiness
379 - Scraps of Meaning
376 - Happy: Vivid or Authentic?
371 - Collecting Stories
368 - That Little Competitive Edge
366 - Product Positioning
365 - To Buy or Not to Buy
360 - The Right Pitch
356 - Attitude
353 - Closing, Closing, and Closing
342 - Selling Skill-based Products
340 - Do I Have Your Attention?
338 - Solving a Gift-Giving Dilemma
327 - Change Your Mind, Please!
326 - The Persuasiveness of Uncertainty
316t - Knowledge Intensive Service
313 - Present at the Birth
311 - More Variety Please
310 - Thieving
308 - A Curse and a Blessing
307 - The Path to Preference
306 - The Language of Buyers
305 - The Persuasive Role of Mimicry
304 - The Tightwad Scale
296 - The Perfect Predictor
293 - Selling With Stories
288 - Restoring Trust
286 - No Shirt, No Shoes, No Fat People
280 - Purchasing and Self Identity
278 - Loyal Customers
270 - In the Aid of Empathy
269 - Mood and Persuasion
266 - Negative Customers
252 - Unconscious Mind Sets
249 - The Contribution of Social Regard
237 - Goal Priming Works!
235 - Real Men and Shopping
225 - Comparison Advertising
214 - Variety for Sale = Mass Confusion
212 - Humor in Product Ads
211 - Repeating Ads
210 - Decoys and Market Share
205 - Price Framing and Purchase Intentions
204 - Loyal Customers
203 - Framing Techniques in Print Ads
200 - The Shifting Sands of Customer Preferences
199 - Customer Loyalty
196 - Making it Simple
195 - The Status Quo Bias
193 - Just-Because Gifts
185 - Effective Customer Service
168 - Creating Memories
158 - Helping Customers "Get Along"
152 - Buying Customers
148 - Effective Price Cues
143 - How Long Should You Give Them?
133 - Managing Customer Complaints
129 - Funny Ads
124 - Emphasizing the Negative
122 - Mothers in Need
120 - The Lost Customer Dilemma
113 - Prized Possessions
103 - Guilt Ads
85 - The Dirty House Problem
84 - Marketplace Injustice
79 - Relationship Signaling in Service Industries
46 - Lessons from the Midville Farmers' Market
28 - Customer Response to Touch
23 - A New Buying Motive

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